
Parrot is a Libre AI IDE.

An IDE is an editor. It is a software application that makes it easy for humans to edit computer source code.

AI adds “artificial intelligence” to the application, which may help the human write code.

Libre means all of the source code is under a free software license, as defined by the Free Software Foundation. Examples: AGPL, MIT.

Libre means all of the AI models are under a free content license compatible with Wikipedia. Example: CC by SA, public domain.


Parrot is in early development, not ready for end users.

Parrot Screenshot


Parrot is built from many (mostly) libre sources. When it is known that some parts are not 100% libre it is noted. Typically, there isn’t an alternative, but one is being built to replace the non-libre parts.

The main parts:


Where possible, libre licenses are used. There are a wide variety. To see the details, use git to clone the repositories listed under Parrot Source Code.

AI Assistant

Parts of Parrot, including the documentation, have been written using Parrot as an AI assistant. Where this is true, it is noted in the header of the file.

The model that is in use is Phind-CodeLlama-34B-v2_q8.gguf. This isn’t 100% libre, unfortunately, but it is getting closer. One goal of the Parrot project is to replace encumbered Llama and derivatives with a fully libre replacement.


Parrot is being used when possible to build Parrot.


Jeff Moe <moe@parrot.codes>
Loveland, Colorado


Parrot documentation is written in English and uses AI machine translation for other languages.